Letter to My Children (November 8, 2021)
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Josh, and Christina,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It was beautiful weather here. Loads of laundry hanging out in the sun to dry. Visits from Aunt Jackie, and our neighbors, a Buffalo Bills game. We are plugging away with interior work on the log cabin.
My early mornings are reserved for writing to you! I have tried to put all the photos onto the computer. This old gem, from your childhood, is of the Fitch family girls! Of course your Gramma Fitch has passed away a few years ago. And your aunts, and cousins, along with our girls, sitting on that amazing plaid couch is perfect!
And the smiles on your faces. Clear eyes, beautiful light faces that make everyone happy just to look at them. Remember the Bible says to make things right with people quickly, (before the sun goes down in one place), in another it is implied not to go to church until you make things right with people who are offended with you. Or vice versa.
Good advice. I have tried to do that, and will continue. As your mom, and the person who raised you (no daycare for you)….my wish is you would act like adults, and talk with us. Isolation is encouraged by individuals to have sole control over you.
I do not isolate, and no individual has suggested that I isolate from anyone for any reason. As you know, instead our family and friends have tried repeatedly to reach out to you kids over the past ten years, to reason with you. Unfortunately, Pastor Scott has told you to not listen to any of us. That is his reputation. He has done this to dozens of families. We pray he changes his stance. And becomes a pastor who brings people together, not divide them.