Letter to My Children (October 10, 2024)

Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Joshua, and Christina, 

I love you. I ache to see you, hear from you, hug you. Your dad has told me a lot. Specifically that he is lonely and no one will consider dating him since he put his first wife in a motel away from her children for 3 months. So he has decided to go back to Calvary Temple in Sterling Virginia. He is aware of the multiple allegations of pedophilia by church pastors and deacons. He is aware of the multiple investigations over the years of the church by government agencies. 

Up here in NY, he’s spent years claiming that he was forced by Pastor Starr Scott to destroy his wife and family. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. When you find out the truth but decide to live a lie.

I have always loved the truth. And the truth often is hard. But it sets us free. This is the truth. The church and pastors in Sterling Virginia are not above reproach and should not be in ministry. (1 Timothy 3:2-13)

Calvary Temple in Sterling Virginia is a church infiltrated and run by wolves (Acts 20:29). They break apart families and steal the souls of those vulnerable. As I’ve stated, if not perpetrated on my family, I’d have a hard time believing it was going on. We were there for three years, and apart from rumors and some disappointment, I considered what I saw to be the average church. No one is perfect. Leadership lied to me when I questioned them. 

Calvary Temple in Sterling Virginia is a wicked church. The pastors/deacons and their wives are skilled in division, lies, misleading, coercion, information gathering, and pastoral worship. Speaking with one investigator of the alleged sexual abuse of minors, I was told Pastor Starr Scott is one of the best at concealing. Obviously. He had his own record expunged. The guilty want to expunge their criminal record. True believers in Jesus see their criminal record as a testimony to the saving power of God to redeem them from sin and death. (Revelation 12:11)

But you, my children,  run from this church, from those who isolate you. There is one surefire way to tell who is truthful. People who lie refuse to meet and talk with those they condemn. As you know, over the past 14 years I have gone to Virginia to try and talk to you, to the pastors, to your spouses, to their parents who attend the same church, to your friends, to your deacons. Knocking on doors, calling their phones, sending texts, and writing to them from this blog. 

No one has answered. Those folks are lying. 

You and your church have deeply offended me. Silence, implied fault, disregard, dishonoring, disrespect. I’ve obeyed the scriptures on reconciling. You have not. (Matthew 5:23-24) 

As your mom, I beg you to repent and return to your first love! God is so kind, he will not turn you away. I will not turn you away. No matter what you’ve done, no matter what you’ve become...come home. 

With all my love and daily prayers for your souls and lives,