Letter to My Children (November 5, 2021)
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Josh, and Christina,
Morning dear hearts, a whisper of sun on the horizon! This photo is of the east view of our land.
I have heard the news. Several more lifelong Calvary Temple members have left the church. By doing so, Pastor Scott will not allow interaction with family left behind. Yet, now they can have family members outside the church. Terrible dilemma. To go or to stay! Wanting to love God and love family and friends and love life. Conflicted knowing any choice one makes at Calvary Temple in Sterling Virginia will involve heartbreak. Forbidden to communicate with those on the wrong side of the Calvary Temple fence. It's wrong. Not real Christianity as taught by Jesus.
Before Christ’s ministry, there was John the Baptist’s ministry. He was sent by God to prepare the way for Christ. His job? To turn the hearts of the children to the parents, and the parents' hearts to the children.
To bring family members back together. God made families. Large, extended family trees, genealogies. Sadly society, as well as Calvary Temple, have sought to destroy the family. Out with the old, in with the new. Wrong. You (my children) belong to two family trees, the Beck and Fitch lineages. You have cut off all of us. The recent conversation with Waleed and Amy Zarou gave me hope that you realized you need your parents.
As Waleed expressed to me that afternoon, the impact of this blog is worldwide. The name Calvary Temple of Sterling, Virginia, leaves a bad taste for anyone associated with it.
A bunch of letters from a broken mom to her 4 kids, who've abandoned their family. I know how many people contact me, having read of this church, and a couple of churches that associate with it. Wanting to know if it is safe for their children to attend.
Just like the Washington Post, they ask me questions. I answer them honestly. They ask for other stories. The people who are sharing their stories, are like me. They have lost loved ones.
Just think, if you would make amends to your mom and dad for what you have done….that story would be told! Your church could become a place of hope again. Instead of having a bad reputation. It could be one that puts families together (no matter the offense). Love covers it all!
For my part, I love you all! Jonathan, Carly, Jackson, Madeline, Hudson, Sarah, Taylor, PennyRose, Weston, Hazel, Josh, Olivia, Maggie, baby on the way, Christina, and Michael.