Letter to Joshua (March 24, 2023)
Dear Joshua,
How are you son? Just heard from Mrs. Case, she’s on her way home from visiting family. And I sent her some pictures. Lots of you and Danny, Jordan, Sean; all your buddies in school and out.
I liked this one, that happy face, holding your tools. You know I bought a few tools for Jonathan, he was a pretty good welder in his teen years. But you were a chip of my block. I loved woodworking tools. Do you still have your lathe? I have a barnful of tools. Right now, tinkering with the idea to build a chicken coop for a couple dozen chickens.
Do you remember our city dates, we would go to the woodworkers shop and get special bits for your lathe, wood for the pens you made. Along with lunch and a quick stop at the bookstore!
Joshy, you were so young when they took you from me. Please think for yourself. You knew it was wrong then. You said so. Don’t obey wrong. Come home son. Bring Olivia and your babies, and come home to see mom, and all of us. We miss you so much. Xoxo
How are you son? Just heard from Mrs. Case, she’s on her way home from visiting family. And I sent her some pictures. Lots of you and Danny, Jordan, Sean; all your buddies in school and out.
I liked this one, that happy face, holding your tools. You know I bought a few tools for Jonathan, he was a pretty good welder in his teen years. But you were a chip of my block. I loved woodworking tools. Do you still have your lathe? I have a barnful of tools. Right now, tinkering with the idea to build a chicken coop for a couple dozen chickens.
Do you remember our city dates, we would go to the woodworkers shop and get special bits for your lathe, wood for the pens you made. Along with lunch and a quick stop at the bookstore!
Joshy, you were so young when they took you from me. Please think for yourself. You knew it was wrong then. You said so. Don’t obey wrong. Come home son. Bring Olivia and your babies, and come home to see mom, and all of us. We miss you so much. Xoxo