Letter to Christina (March 21, 2023)
Dear Christina,
You are in our prayers, much love and hugs to you and Michael and the baby. Here are some pictures of you when you were little. Always know that you were an absolute joy and treasure to all of us. I think you are the most photographed child in the family!
So hard to choose which one to use, so here are four. Laugh and remember when you see them. Honestly, I have a couple dozen photo albums in the library, and a large box. When you come back to us, we’ll go through them all, and make a big album just for you.
I took grampa some potatoe soup. He was sick last week. Showed him the photos of you kids down there. He said he wouldn’t even know you if he saw you on the street. You’re all grown up. Sadly he’s right. You were taken from me so young. It broke my heart.
I love you forever dear Christina Beana.