Letter to Jonathan (March 22, 2023)
Dear Jonathan,
Someone told me to look up a recent service of Calvary Temple in Sterling, Virginia, and I would be able to see you. Sure enough! Spotted you right away, sitting at the end of the front row. (Nice shoes by the way…lol).
So I turned the sound off, and just watched my son. You are a handsome man, and of course we all think/thought the world of you.
Here’s a photo of you and your dad checking the scores from the 5K run in Letchworth many years ago. Did you come in first in your class? A few of you kids did, just not sure who. Plus a picture of you and grampa washing dishes. You are his first grandchild. The light of his eye. That light has dimmed. He has a broken heart, for me and for you kids.
I am going to include a song in this post. I hope you listen my dear son.
Xo Mom