Repost | Just Like Calvary Temple -#exposecalvarytemple
[Reposted by permission from the My Calvary Temple Tactic's Blog Commentary. Be sure to check out the links in the commentary]
A dear friend of mine does way more research on YouTube than I do – And more often than not another place comes across our radar that looks, acts, and talks just like Calvary Temple (CT). Please note that unfortunately, there are far too many places out there like CT, and along with that, too many false teachers, evil shepherds, and predators of children than we could ever fathom, imagine, hear or know about. But I have every confidence that God knows and He continues to expose all of them.
You will find the following disturbing, as you should, in my opinion. The video represents another person who has used and abused his position as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus; used his clout to seduce and take what was never his – EVER.
My goal today is to remind all of us why we speak out against places like Calvary Temple, and people like Star Robert Scott. Like this man in the video, Bob Scott claimed from his faux pulpit that he too had an adulterous affair. When in reality, he had seduced and molested his very young nieces – girls that were considerably younger than the young woman in the video. The very acts are repulsive, regardless of the ages of the children. And this man, like Bob Scott, should be spending time in jail – except when these hurt children finally become adults and confront the pain of their pasts, the legal statutes of limitations are expired. How very sad.
Regardless, these men – along with the men and women who know about these things and do nothing to expose them – will all stand before the Lord and receive their just rewards.
My heart today is to bring to your attention yet again the harm and destruction that is right now occurring in churches all across the nation. Someone has to be willing to stand up and say enough!

I present the following:
Articles about New Life Christian Church located in Warsaw, Indiana, and John Lowe II –
- This Pastor’s Confession of Abuse Will Shock And Grieve You | WRETCHED RADIO
- New Life Christian Church’s Pastor, John Lowe, Lied About His “Affair” and Got Called On It by the Victim. The Church Offered a Clueless Response. | The Wartburg Watch 2022 (I have had trouble accessing The Wartburg Watch website. Please keep trying, as will I)
- New Life Statement
The similarities are profound; however, I will say this for John Lowe II – he at least had the decency to resign his position as lead pastor – even though it took a confrontation/exposure for him to take this action – something that Star Robert Scott has not done to date. Bob Scott maintains his own lies and fabrications of his predatory, pedophile actions and sins. Please see my VIP DOCS and VIP LINKS pages for letters, documents, testimonies, and police and news reports documenting the destruction and harm perpetrated by Star Robert Scott for over 50 years. Children. Families. Lives destroyed.
Will he ever be a man and stand up and say what he did? Or will he continue to lie to himself, to his family and congregation, and worst of all – to God?
#exposecalvarytemple #ForSuchATimeAsThis #SoManyFalseShepherds #SoManyWolvesAndPredators #AllAboutFameAndFortune #SpeakUp #SpeakOut #EnoughIsEnough #ButGod #GodIsExposingThemAll #Ezekiel34