Letter to My Children (March 14, 2022)

Our family pulled together in the good times and the unexpected…until Calvary Temple got involved.

Dear Children,

This morning I received information that Pastor Starr Scott is still on the warpath, encouraging you all to destroy more families, and lives…referring to it in the service as ‘murdering’ anyone related to you that does not adore, admire, and appreciate Pastor Scott and his church Calvary Temple in Sterling Virginia. Wow. He must be desperate to keep outside influences from you. Isolation leads to abuse kids. Don’t do it. Come and see us, pick up the phone and text and call us. We love you! I love you this much! I have laid my life down, made a bit of a spectacle, no matter to me though. You are the important ones, my love reaches to heaven. You are always on my mind, being prayed for, remembered. Never forgotten. My time, my love, my wealth, my DNA, my abilities, are all yours. Follow my example. Never let your family go, never forsake them, find the strength to leave a church that has become a cult. You can do it! And bring your whole family with you, even the dogs! Bring them all, we will reject none of them. If they are part of your life, we love them. Period. And God so loved the whole world. There are lots of churches still preaching Christ. And you can find them. Sure there are bad churches. Calvary Temple is one of the bad ones. Sneaky and deceptive, luring folks in that are vulnerable.

Good churches are like good people. They give. Bad churches are like bad people. They take. No matter what happens to me, remember, I raised you to be givers and lovers. Not haters and takers.

I love you all so much!