Letter to My Children (February 7, 2022)
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Josh, and Christina,
How are you? I'm well enough, thank you. Just in case you wondered ;)
This post is in honor of one of those heroes and heroines, who write to expose the 'wizard of Oz' behind the curtain, of Calvary Temple Church in Sterling, Virginia. Yup, sadly the church you attend. Anyway, these folks have accumulated decades of personal experience (adding up all several individuals and how long each attended = decades) on CT. This lends an insight you kids and myself do not really possess. We were there only 3 years. But enough time to be singled out and destroyed. Unable to see through the love bombing facade and ulterior motives of a dead church, hellbent on luring individuals in for personal gain and gratification. Oh well, forewarned is forearmed as they say. Until Pastor Scott changes course and restores our loved ones to us, these brave souls stay the course.
So hats off to the writer of the above blog. Michelle Freemen. A gutsy, classy lady. Hardworking career woman, lover of her family, God, friends. True blue. Interestingly, my daughter Sarah Eileen Fitch Kain, was a friend of this lady, before I had ever met her. Sarah bragged of Michelle's character and love of God, to me. Remember, Sarah? Remember the fun times you had with Michelle and her son Stu?
Love you,
[The excerpt below was taken from a post titled "Something a Little Different…You Decide." on the My Calvary Temple Tactic's Blog Commentary]
Good morning, all. Over the past few days, I made a concerted effort to listen to the most recent Bob Scott/Calvary Temple Cult "teachings"...you see, I had heard that BS was actively speaking towards marriage and divorce. Having my own family destroyed by Bob Scott and his venomous words and spiteful actions, my alarm bells … Continue reading