A Mother's Day Letter to My Children (May 9, 2021)
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Josh, and Christina,
Happy Mothers Day Sarah, Carly, and Olivia. Woke up in the night, crying again. I love you all. It’s been ten years of silence. I am down here in Virginia, texted you all when I arrived. Asking to see you.
Pastor Scott. And members of Calvary Temple Church. This is wrong. You have stolen my children. I want them back. Their father, their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all want them back. To love and honor their parents, as they did before attending Calvary Temple. To be a cheerful loving part of their large extended family again, as they once did prior to attending Calvary Temple. Pastor Scott. I am staying less than 5 minutes from you. If you must see me in order to give my children permission to love honor and care for their mother and father and extended family again, then call me and I will gladly meet with you.
This great wrong is a horrible blot on your church. People contact me, asking questions about this situation. My number is 585-315-1161. It is the biblical standard, if you have ought against another person, go to them and swiftly get things fixed.
It is Mother's Day, and my heart is broken. I have suffered through 10 years of silence and isolation. Enough please.
Molly Fitch