Letter to Jonathan (June 10, 2019)
Dear Jonathan,
You had your birthday a couple weeks ago. I called and left a voice message for you. Did you listen to it? Do you hear the tiredness in my voice? It has been since July 2011. When I was first held hostage from my family. Calvary Temple’s pastors and their counsel to dad and you children to punish me in order to ‘break’ me.
Our lives are altered completely as a result of that heinous crime against myself and, thereby against all of you children. But the truth of our past happiness lies in old photos, old cards (which I loved to hang onto), old emails sent. Think I will do more trips down memory lane in the days ahead alright?
The above one was taken by Dad, myself up mowing, stopped to hop up on the 4 wheeler that you bought when you were very young, 12 years old??, with your own money. Christina had been out riding, and we decided to take a break and pick cherries. I planted that tree (my first anniversary present), one day before you were born! Dad recalled that Christina made the comment typed above the photo....you are old Jonathan! But still my son.
I love you always and forever.
Your Mom
You had your birthday a couple weeks ago. I called and left a voice message for you. Did you listen to it? Do you hear the tiredness in my voice? It has been since July 2011. When I was first held hostage from my family. Calvary Temple’s pastors and their counsel to dad and you children to punish me in order to ‘break’ me.
Our lives are altered completely as a result of that heinous crime against myself and, thereby against all of you children. But the truth of our past happiness lies in old photos, old cards (which I loved to hang onto), old emails sent. Think I will do more trips down memory lane in the days ahead alright?
The above one was taken by Dad, myself up mowing, stopped to hop up on the 4 wheeler that you bought when you were very young, 12 years old??, with your own money. Christina had been out riding, and we decided to take a break and pick cherries. I planted that tree (my first anniversary present), one day before you were born! Dad recalled that Christina made the comment typed above the photo....you are old Jonathan! But still my son.
I love you always and forever.
Your Mom