Letter to Christina from Abby Case (May 20, 2017)
Dear Christina,
It's been a long time since I last wrote you. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten you. There's a bobble head dog on my kitchen window sill that you and your mom gave me for a birthday years ago. Every time I look at it I'm reminded of you and I pray for you.
Yesterday, Gretel brought her boys over to my mom's house to play with my nephews. It was such a beautiful day. We had a picnic outside in the yard and Mom and Gretel put together a treasure hunt for the boys. Watching them, I was struck by how neat it is that there is a third Fitch/Case generation of friendships! I was also reminded of all the countless hours we spent with our siblings playing after church. Summer evenings especially were the best. It was good our moms were such good friends because that meant extra time to play while they visited :) I miss those innocent times when the only thing we had to worry about was when we would see each other next. Times change, but know that my love for you hasn't. You'll always be that sweet little sidekick.
I wish you could know your nephews and mine. They're all so precious and remind me of us so much. I am looking forward to the day when you come home. We love you so much and miss you. Please know that if you ever need anything, my home is always open to you. I love you Christina Fitch!
Abby Taylor