A Mother's Day Update (May 24, 2017)
I was only able to see my son-in-law Taylor on Mothers Day. He came to his door when I brought flowers for my daughter, and respectfully asked me to leave his property per Sarah's request. I asked him if she was feeling better, he said yes. And I asked if he would give her and my grandchildren a hug for me, and he said yes. And I asked if I could give him a hug, and he said yes. But that I need to repent to pastor Scott before he could talk to me. I said I would never put my children or my reputation on the line for a lie. In all I had about 5 minutes before I was told to go. I cried on the way to the truck. (Taylor WAS the nicest he has been to me since I was put away, for which I was thankful.)
I did leave flower baskets on Carly's (my son Jonathan's wife), and Candace' doors. I left a corn bag on Christina's car from her sister, Gretel. No one answered their doors. I could not find my son Joshua at his last known address, so we asked, and were quietly told he is living in the basement of some old friends of ours, the Brights. This couple has broken our hearts with their aiding in keeping our children apart from us.
Some folks in the area asked me to tell, again, how I was put away. I did. It surprises me that this blog is widely read and many people are praying for our children to come back to their parents. What a terrible reputation Calvary Temple has in the Sterling area now, apparently since the news coverage back in 2014. (God bless all those protestors for a whole year! Even a pastors family from NY came down to join in on a Sunday morning protest. Good friends of ours for 18 years. And I had not participated in the protest yet, concerned with publicly seeing my children drive by, being so close and yet not wanted, the pain of their rejection is great each time, it's a struggle to not cry. When I finally was strong enough to attend a protest, it was the end of a whole year for those brave and stalwart men and women who had been standing every week to warn and reach out with their own stories of injustice.
A lot has happened in the past 10 days, that I will not share, regarding Calvary Temple. But must address a lie pastor Scott is telling my children (per my children). It will be forthcoming in a day or two. Common sense dictates my children should see through this, but I am aware (NOW ) of misinformation used to separate families. God is giving people courage to honestly and openly share what has been done. Hopefully pastor Scott will acknowledge his wrongdoings and make restitution while he can.