A Mother's Day Letter to My Children (May 13, 2017)
Happy Mothers Day to my children.
I miss you and love you and long for you. Thank you for all the wonderful years, the memories sustain me. The poems and presents and love and hugs and laughter. All of you (you too, Candace) are my life. God-given to me and your dad. I took this photo yesterday in between helping dad work on the garage. You are my dear babies, and I will never give you up, or give up loving and looking for you. God gave you to me. Bless you all, and keep you safe in Jesus.
-Note to readers: I have had no hugs or kisses or cards or visits or talks or calls or contact with my four children since Christmas 2011. All because Pastor Star Scott decided to break my mothering of my children and break my spirit or personality. His comment once was that 'too many people loved me.' He tried to turn my husband against the family; thereby deceiving my children to gain them for himself. Making them afraid of their parents and extended family relatives. Young people and children are easily hoodwinked when separated from their parents. And separating mothers from children is devilish. A wolf does this. No pastor should do this.
Love and hugs,
Your mom