Letter to My Readers (July 29, 2017)
Dear Readers:
Another blog was created recently by a former abused member of Calvary Temple Church, Sterling, Virginia. I have asked permission to link to it from my site here. Please take a few moments to look through the blog. Especially check out the VIP Documents. Although I am not on Facebook, Michelle is, and for awhile now I have heard of her commentary regarding another blog called Tactics whose anonymous author(s?), have been so helpful to those of us trying to understand why and how Calvary operates to destroy lives. Exposing darkness by shining the light and truth of honesty and Gods word. Plus Michelle's helpful insight which comes from years of attending the church. Thank God the wicked deeds are being outed. They shall know the truth, and the truth shall make them free.
Another blog was created recently by a former abused member of Calvary Temple Church, Sterling, Virginia. I have asked permission to link to it from my site here. Please take a few moments to look through the blog. Especially check out the VIP Documents. Although I am not on Facebook, Michelle is, and for awhile now I have heard of her commentary regarding another blog called Tactics whose anonymous author(s?), have been so helpful to those of us trying to understand why and how Calvary operates to destroy lives. Exposing darkness by shining the light and truth of honesty and Gods word. Plus Michelle's helpful insight which comes from years of attending the church. Thank God the wicked deeds are being outed. They shall know the truth, and the truth shall make them free.