Letter to My Children (October 28, 2014)

Please watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjgioXrnEME&feature=youtu.be

Dear Children,

      I know I have not written in a long while.  I write you everyday, just do not publish them.  Very sad lately, heart sore.  Dreams of you.  Last night it was of Christina.  Ache to hear your voices and laugh with you, hug you, cry with you.  We need you.  So much has been lost, please come home. This song, I hope it encourages you as it does me.  No matter what, come home.
     I was thinking of the losses, since pastor destroyed our family.  I have missed so much of your lives:

In 2011 was not allowed:
To be with Josh or Christina for their birthdays
To be there when Sarah found out she was expecting her first child
To be there for Christmas with my family
To have Gretel and Noah with us all for Noah's first birthday
To be there for Gretels birthday

In 2012, I was not allowed:
To be there for Jonathan's birthday
Sarah's birthday
Toms birthday
Sarah's baby shower
Birth of Sarah's baby
Easter, thanksgiving, Christmas
Joshua's graduation from high school
Joshua's first missions trip
Joshua's first car
Josh's entrance in college
Christina's entrance in high school
Josh's birthday
Christina's birthday
Christina's first job
Jonathan's first expected child

In 2013, I was not allowed:
To be there for Jonathan's birthday
Sarah's birthday
Josh's birthday
Christina's birthday
Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Jonathan's baby shower
Birth of Jonathan's first child
Joshua's engagement and marriage
Announcement of Sarah's second pregnancy

In 2014, I was not allowed:
To be there for all my children and grandchildrens birthdays
All holidays
All celebrations
Birth of Sarah's second child
Christina's first car
Christina getting her license

     Yes pastor Scott, you are slowly killing me.  It is wicked to do this to people.  Steal lives that do not belong to you, from their own families.  I forgive you, and hope you will make restitution to these families before it is too late.  God loves you, but he loves all of us as well, and you cannot continue to turn the hearts of families against each other without suffering Gods judgement one day.  What you are doing is not pursuing holiness, it is division.  And God hates it.  You are breaking so many hearts and lives needlessly.  You could be building up and restoring and bringing life to us all.  You could.  Just give back what was not yours to begin with.  You are just a man, you are not a god, you are not even a king, you are supposed to be a servant.....to Him. And He does not like what you are doing.  It is just like what the world does to christians, casts them out.

Come home please,
Love your mom