Letter to Jonathan and Sarah from Mrs. McDougall (October 5, 2014)
Dear Jonathan and Sarah,
As everyone who has written, emailed, texted, called or sent presents (to be returned) can attest, this is a very difficult letter to write! I have pondered why and in my opinion you were raised as Christians but now you do not appear to be exhibiting the love of Christ. Galatians 5:1,2 - "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself to us as an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour."
I watched you grow up since 1986 and I had ample opportunity to witness your mother's singular focus in raising you to follow the teachings of Christ. In fact, it looked as though she had accomplished her mission as each of you grew into adulthood. However, I also observed the unravelling of the family when your church demanded that your father put Molly away for 90 days in some motel. I have read the scriptures and cannot find that passage. If that was not horrific enough, Jonathan, you came over to your parents place in Sterling at Christmas and said, (and I quote your mother,) "You are 90% good but 10% darkness. You need to be broken." I don't know where you get your mathematical percentages from but it surely isn't from the Word of God! I have known your mother for nearly 30 years and she is a Godly woman. In her humility, Molly told you that she would reverse your comment. She also told you that she would not be put away again. You threatened to take Joshua and Christina and she begged you to stop the craziness. And on that fateful day you DID take Joshua and Christina who were both sobbing at this violent exhibition of unbridled power - this violent destruction of the family unit that your parents had spent 25 years to create!! (Only satan could have orchestrated such a diabolical plot at Christmas!!)
I have been shocked, Sarah, that you went along with this. You have sinned by silence. You and Jonathan were raised in an intact family unit but you deprived Joshua and Christina of that security without even telling your mother what her great sin was. You destroyed their very foundation!! I hear that you and Jonathan have both had babies, Joshua is married and you will not allow your mother/grandmother to be a partaker of those joyful occasions. Sin has its own destiny even after we beg for forgiveness. Just as there are natural laws there are also immutable supernatural laws and I shudder to think what that destiny will be....
As you know, I have brought my bible into Attica State Prison, Groveland State Prison, started and was on the Chaplaincy Committee at Wyoming County Jail for 13 years. Every manner of sin was represented by those incarcerated but nothing has so sickened me to my very core as the actions of you both. However, I shall express the sentiments of other friends and family and beg you to call your mother.
"I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneths me." Philippians 4:13
Mrs. McDougall xxoo
As everyone who has written, emailed, texted, called or sent presents (to be returned) can attest, this is a very difficult letter to write! I have pondered why and in my opinion you were raised as Christians but now you do not appear to be exhibiting the love of Christ. Galatians 5:1,2 - "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself to us as an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour."
I watched you grow up since 1986 and I had ample opportunity to witness your mother's singular focus in raising you to follow the teachings of Christ. In fact, it looked as though she had accomplished her mission as each of you grew into adulthood. However, I also observed the unravelling of the family when your church demanded that your father put Molly away for 90 days in some motel. I have read the scriptures and cannot find that passage. If that was not horrific enough, Jonathan, you came over to your parents place in Sterling at Christmas and said, (and I quote your mother,) "You are 90% good but 10% darkness. You need to be broken." I don't know where you get your mathematical percentages from but it surely isn't from the Word of God! I have known your mother for nearly 30 years and she is a Godly woman. In her humility, Molly told you that she would reverse your comment. She also told you that she would not be put away again. You threatened to take Joshua and Christina and she begged you to stop the craziness. And on that fateful day you DID take Joshua and Christina who were both sobbing at this violent exhibition of unbridled power - this violent destruction of the family unit that your parents had spent 25 years to create!! (Only satan could have orchestrated such a diabolical plot at Christmas!!)
I have been shocked, Sarah, that you went along with this. You have sinned by silence. You and Jonathan were raised in an intact family unit but you deprived Joshua and Christina of that security without even telling your mother what her great sin was. You destroyed their very foundation!! I hear that you and Jonathan have both had babies, Joshua is married and you will not allow your mother/grandmother to be a partaker of those joyful occasions. Sin has its own destiny even after we beg for forgiveness. Just as there are natural laws there are also immutable supernatural laws and I shudder to think what that destiny will be....
As you know, I have brought my bible into Attica State Prison, Groveland State Prison, started and was on the Chaplaincy Committee at Wyoming County Jail for 13 years. Every manner of sin was represented by those incarcerated but nothing has so sickened me to my very core as the actions of you both. However, I shall express the sentiments of other friends and family and beg you to call your mother.
"I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneths me." Philippians 4:13
Mrs. McDougall xxoo