Letter to My Children (April 22, 2014)
My Dear Children,
Yesterday this photo was sent to me by two of your friends. I showed it to your dad at lunch yesterday, and we admired how beautiful our daughters are and precious grandbabies, and handsome our sons. Dad seemed surprised at how much Jackson looks like Jonathan as a toddler. I knew he was the spitting image from the birth photo that was sent to me by Jacquelyn. He is precious, and Penny, well, dad said yesterday what so many have said, 'She looks just like Gretel did at that age.' God has a sense of humour Sarah. Christina is beautiful, dad says she looks like me. And Josh is so grown up andlooks like his big brother.
Don't think for a minute we are stalking you. Everyone up here knows you have cut dad and I off, along with Gretel, and our extended family. So when friends and family find a photo of you children anywhere, they send it to us. To comfort our hearts. I have made 2 albums of those photos sent to us from whomever comes across pictures of you.
Your dad and I and Gretel love looking at them, so does your extended family and friends. I always pass them on to those you know, who love you and are praying for you to talk to us again. It encourages your dad and me so much when we receive these pictures. Every day I cry, but try not to discourage dad or Gretel. It would hurt them to see me hurting. But many days, I do not want to go on without you. I know this is wrong. And I write to let you know we are not mad at you, we are hurt. We love you no matter what. And to warn other people not to go to Calvary Temple in Sterling, Virginia. So they will not suffer as we have. There are churches that preach the gospel and live according to the Scriptures, but Calvary Temple is not one of them.
Recently we had one of your cousins to dinner, and he was saying he wanted to go and shake some sense into you. It was good to hear your dad warning him to be careful, that what is said there is very slick and appears godly. But so dangerous underneath. It has been a long hard road for your dad coming to grips with what he did down there to us all. But God is working in his heart I believe, and he is working in your hearts also. We are here for you no matter what has been done to us. Just call and I will come.
Love and hugs and kisses,