Letter to Jonathan and Sarah (April 28, 2014)
Dear Jonathan and Sarah,
I am crying. I was just shown some of your Facebook pages, and saw some of the comments from people to you as well as your own comments. It is awful. A person should be weeping if they had their parents ripped away because of pastors orders. What shameful adults, who say that my children ALONE AND WITHOUT FATHER OR MOTHER TO GUIDE THEM, are now a real testimony to God's grace and goodness.
God hates divorce, but Pastor Scott advises divorces in order to manipulate the congregation. God says honor your father and mother, but Pastor Scott has told you to dishonor us....IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD. God says you are not to hide from your own flesh (family), but you children are told by Pastor Scott to call the police if I linger too long at your door. God says not to lie, but Pastor Scott tells you lies about your parents and you repeat them without even checking with us to see if it is true. God says not to make haste, yet Pastor Scott tells you to throw your sister, nephew, mom out in the street in one meeting, and you do it. God says you will know a tree by its fruit, Pastor Scott tells you poisonous fruit is edible and you eat it. God says love, Pastor Scott says hating your parents is love.
Those adults who wrote praises to you children should be ashamed. The bottom line is you children are known by your doings. No matter how lovely, handsome, smart, wealthy, healthy, happy.....you have not SPOKEN TO YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER in about 2 YEARS. And you only have texted Gretel to rebuke her over and over. I am ashamed of you. I raised you better than this. I raised you to THINK not just blind obedience.. God gave you a brain to use.
In May of 2011, Jonathan you gave me pearls for mothers day, all of you children and Candace and Joelle, gave me the sweetest cards, declaring how you want to be like me as a parent and wife. What happened? You mean to say that in 30 days, Pastor Ron and Pastor Scott were able to get you to agree to putting your mother away for 93 days in some obscure place, and you never questioned it? You never said 'What is going on here?'
And even though your dad was part and parcel in the deed-even he told me over and over that if he did not want do this to me, then they would do this to him. And so he agreed to something he knew was wrong. But you children, if you can do this to your mom who loves you and your father and the Lord Jesus Christ with all I am; than I fear that you will do this to your own sweet babies one day, or to your own spouses one day. All on the whim of a pastor. Just ask Waleed Zarou, who told your father and I one rainy afternoon...."Molly when Pastor Scott said he wanted to put you away, all of us deacons protested, saying 'No, not Molly, she is one of the godliest women in the church, if anyone it should be Tom.' But Pastor Scott said "Let's try it."
Yup, it was an experiment children-designed to snare your young hearts, sow doubt and discouragement in your own abilities to know right from wrong. Make you think you 'Loved Mom too much to see the truth.' , like you told some folks up here. Really? Would to God, you loved Jesus enough to stand up to men who 'lord it over your faith' and are 'making a gain of you' for their own personal ministry.
There is only one reason you are wanted at Calvary....you look good, you smell good, and you have access to our money. Pastor Scott needs poster children to lure other unsuspecting foreigners into Calvary. And you are innocent enough, like your mother was, to not check references, not check out stories of those who have been marked, not check out the integrity of the men in places of position.
INTEGRITY is being the same on the inside as the outside. INTEGRITY does not have a secret past that must be covered up. INTEGRITY is ready to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
God will judge. Are you ready for that day. Because it is coming soon.
Love with all my heart and no animosity for any one of you, only deep sadness.
Your own mom
I am crying. I was just shown some of your Facebook pages, and saw some of the comments from people to you as well as your own comments. It is awful. A person should be weeping if they had their parents ripped away because of pastors orders. What shameful adults, who say that my children ALONE AND WITHOUT FATHER OR MOTHER TO GUIDE THEM, are now a real testimony to God's grace and goodness.
God hates divorce, but Pastor Scott advises divorces in order to manipulate the congregation. God says honor your father and mother, but Pastor Scott has told you to dishonor us....IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD. God says you are not to hide from your own flesh (family), but you children are told by Pastor Scott to call the police if I linger too long at your door. God says not to lie, but Pastor Scott tells you lies about your parents and you repeat them without even checking with us to see if it is true. God says not to make haste, yet Pastor Scott tells you to throw your sister, nephew, mom out in the street in one meeting, and you do it. God says you will know a tree by its fruit, Pastor Scott tells you poisonous fruit is edible and you eat it. God says love, Pastor Scott says hating your parents is love.
Those adults who wrote praises to you children should be ashamed. The bottom line is you children are known by your doings. No matter how lovely, handsome, smart, wealthy, healthy, happy.....you have not SPOKEN TO YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER in about 2 YEARS. And you only have texted Gretel to rebuke her over and over. I am ashamed of you. I raised you better than this. I raised you to THINK not just blind obedience.. God gave you a brain to use.
In May of 2011, Jonathan you gave me pearls for mothers day, all of you children and Candace and Joelle, gave me the sweetest cards, declaring how you want to be like me as a parent and wife. What happened? You mean to say that in 30 days, Pastor Ron and Pastor Scott were able to get you to agree to putting your mother away for 93 days in some obscure place, and you never questioned it? You never said 'What is going on here?'
And even though your dad was part and parcel in the deed-even he told me over and over that if he did not want do this to me, then they would do this to him. And so he agreed to something he knew was wrong. But you children, if you can do this to your mom who loves you and your father and the Lord Jesus Christ with all I am; than I fear that you will do this to your own sweet babies one day, or to your own spouses one day. All on the whim of a pastor. Just ask Waleed Zarou, who told your father and I one rainy afternoon...."Molly when Pastor Scott said he wanted to put you away, all of us deacons protested, saying 'No, not Molly, she is one of the godliest women in the church, if anyone it should be Tom.' But Pastor Scott said "Let's try it."
Yup, it was an experiment children-designed to snare your young hearts, sow doubt and discouragement in your own abilities to know right from wrong. Make you think you 'Loved Mom too much to see the truth.' , like you told some folks up here. Really? Would to God, you loved Jesus enough to stand up to men who 'lord it over your faith' and are 'making a gain of you' for their own personal ministry.
There is only one reason you are wanted at Calvary....you look good, you smell good, and you have access to our money. Pastor Scott needs poster children to lure other unsuspecting foreigners into Calvary. And you are innocent enough, like your mother was, to not check references, not check out stories of those who have been marked, not check out the integrity of the men in places of position.
INTEGRITY is being the same on the inside as the outside. INTEGRITY does not have a secret past that must be covered up. INTEGRITY is ready to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
God will judge. Are you ready for that day. Because it is coming soon.
Love with all my heart and no animosity for any one of you, only deep sadness.
Your own mom