A Birthday Letter to Sarah (January 10, 2021)
Happy Birthday, Sarah. We love you and miss you so much. Yesterday I scoured my computer for pictures of you. All the photo albums are packed away in storage while the building is going on. There are so many more in those albums! You are my second born, Melody, a midwife and family friend delivered you at home. It was a Sunday, the labor very short, under 2 hours. And you were perfect! Jonathan who was not yet 2 years old, kissed your little face all over. Crawling around next to me, trying to get as close as possible to his new sister. Grampa Beck thought you were absolutely beautiful! And under a month old, Aunt Nancy came to stay for a few days, to help me with the recent move just before you were born, to our old yellow house. You notice the picture of her holding you, with Jonathan playing with her hair. Aunt Nancy loved you so much all your life Sarah. When we cleaned out her apartment following her death. There were letters and diaries, which referred to you and the rest of the kids.
So many memories, so much love, laughter, and family to be grateful for. We all wish you love and joy today. And we wish you would come talk to us, see us, text us. Anything. Is better than years of silence. Xo xo Mom