Letter to Jonathan (April 4, 2020)
Dear Jonathan,
My firstborn. My pride and joy. I love you so much. It was a privilege being your mom. From the first day, you made me laugh. Brought happiness to us all when you were around. And not just our immediate family, but your many friends up here and in Virginia. Your cousins (btw Jordan is getting married today), adored you. Your sisters and brother knew you were the best brother anywhere. And all who knew us thought the same.
Denise and I were reminiscing yesterday, we cannot comprehend that you would cut off your mother and family as you have done. Not our Jonathan. You’ve been encouraged by bad people. It’s wrong. I sent a message a few days ago. Saying with this virus spreading, you are welcome here, anything I can do to help you and your family, I will do. No call back, no text. Silence. You never behaved this way when you had your family in your life. I know you want me to come back to Calvary, ask Pastor Scott's pardon for speaking publicly about the horrors we’ve suffered at the hands of the leadership of Calvary Temple Church in Sterling, Virginia. Actually though, molesters of women and children and those who separate family members, isolating you, EXPOSE THEMSELVES. Actions speak louder than words of love or repent or God. As always, my actions are to reach out to you, in any way possible, reminding you of your family, of right behavior, and that I love you and am here for you.
With love and hugs and kisses,