Letter to My Children (July 26, 2019)

Good Morning, Jonathan, Sarah, Josh & Christina,

     How are you all? How are my little grandchildren? Is PennyRose going into 2nd grade this fall? And soon Jackson will be going to school for the first time, right? I have been going through the picture albums. You kids sure had a lot of fun at school. So many photos of you with friends, at home and at school. Recently a friend was going through the albums, and picked up my old school senior yearbook, noticed a page where we all voted on each other, how we saw them, over the years of high school. Surprisingly, another guy and I were voted ‘Most Concerned For Others’. That was almost 40 years ago!
     People are who they are, I guess. Sure haven’t changed much in that regard. Still concerned for others. Top of the list is you four children. I miss you all. I love you. Come home.
