Letter to My Readers (April 13, 2017)

Dear Calvary Temple readers,

     It was mentioned that people cannot read the letter sent. (In the previous post.) Just so you know, my guide for publishing the things sent to me is this: If it will possibly endanger a family inside Calvary by getting them in trouble with Pastor Scott, and causing them to be punished, humiliated or divided, then I hide the letters, pictures sent, etc. However, if it exposes the truth, or a perpetrator's wicked deeds, without endangering anyone else, I am fine with printing it. And as always amazed at the courage or those who do reach out to me. No one except a Holocaust survivor persecuted Christian from a country where Christians are watched and turned in by their neighbors and even families, can understand the level of intimidation that goes on secretly at Calvary Temple.
      I do not think it is a cult. After all they preach the same Gospel as any church; however, they are doing wicked deeds to families and individuals. Why? I wish I knew. It makes no sense in so many ways, almost like cutting off your nose to spite yourself. But the devil likes to work from within to destroy Gods children. And even Jesus warned his disciples about the wicked deeds of the Pharisees, the pastors of Jesus day. They weren't a cult either. Just doing bad things to God's people. Tying burdens on the people that were too heavy to bear. It's interesting to think that Jesus showed anger mainly with the religious leadership of his day.
     As a side note, most of the letters and emails sent to me, I cannot post. People tell their story, say they read the blog, and encourage. They have been too brutally torn apart to talk openly. They have been traumatized by their pastor, family, and friends. It is ungodly and awful what they have endured at the hands of brethren, who, like David lamented in Psalms, walked together and took sweet fellowship as they went into the house of God. They will be protected. However, I believe perpetrators of this violence upon Gods people, are to be exposed and questioned. I had no idea how many bad men have corrupted leadership. We see it in our government today. What can the righteous do? More than ever before, I get it when Jesus asked us to pray for those in government that we might lead a quiet and peaceful life. That they might be converted to Christ, and be good men, and treat others well. Not making merchandise of us all.
     Also, back in February, someone sent in the mail a copy of an email from Greer to a church member regarding Sarah's improvement. I was grateful for the information regarding my daughter of course, but I never posted it, because again, sure don't want to endanger anyone else inside the church. Keep your families together, don't let anyone take your children away from you. God gave them to you, hang on tight. No pastor should ever divide or steal or kill. That's the Devil's job. Christians believe the best, hope and endure, think no evil.
     In the meantime, dear brave folks inside Calvary, just keep speaking the truth boldly, telling my children to go home to their parents and not to do what the pastors say anymore.  The pastors are mixing good and bad together. That makes it all wrong. You don't get sweet and bitter water out of the same well. It's a no brainier. God bless and keep you safe.
