A Letter from a New Yorker (December 23, 2016)
Dear Molly,
I want to thank you for your stand of openness and honesty regarding what was done to you and your family by Calvary Temple. As well I would like to express admiration for the others who speak out about their abuse at the hands of this church. Having known you and your family for thirty years, it's been heartbreaking to see the lies and horrific division of a family loved and admired---by a church! As well as, unfortunately, some church people up here. Thank God it is (because of your consistent stand of openness and personal integrity), FINALLY coming into the open. Through the steady and courageous effort of yourself, and the other writers on your Dear Calvary Temple Blog, along with the other blogs I have been following called Tactics of Calvary Temple, and Leaving Calvary Temple, and Expose Calvary Temple, and Against Calvary Temple. Not to mention the protests of brave people for a whole year down there is Virginia, every week, against the alleged abuses occurring at the church there.
Well, needless to say, you are all heroes to those of us watching, praying, and standing with you Molly. I know your heart is broken. I have watched with awe the kindest care and forgiveness to your husband for the awful things he did to you and Gretel. I am so happy he has come to his senses and is honestly dealing with the terrible things he participated in. We are here for you guys. And wish there was more that we could do. What we are doing, is warning every young person and parents, that we find out is in any way on social media with people we know at Calvary Temple. We warn them to do the research themselves, to read everything they can on the church, and we give them your phone to call you and Gretel to be told the truth about what is happening. We warn them to question anything they are told by individuals inside Calvary Temple, and ask difficult questions, to share all information they are told with their parents, and or pastors, in order to fact-check. Especially in light of the prevalence of lies told.
I know that if there is a shred of decency in the people that run that church down there, they will repent for what they have done to your family and kids, and make amends. And if not, people here and there, are warned, and hopefully, no more lives entangled in a corrupt church. Personally, I agree that it is the pastors who are responsible for this. Not the poor souls who have been lied to and love bombed.
None of us like to think about a pastor or church being corrupt. But we must face the facts, there are people that are doing very terrible things, that are running churches. It must be exposed and dealt with, hopefully biblically. God does not expect us to cover up abuse and lies. He is fearless regarding the truth, and so must we be fearless. Along with loving and showing compassion and patience with people who have been terrorized and victimized. You have been through hell, and from what I have learned these past years, so have dozens of other folks. Some cannot even speak of it, they are traumatized to such a degree, it has altered their whole lives. We are here for you Molly, for Tom, for Gretel and for all those brave people who have shared their painful stories with us. God bless you. We are standing and praying. Don't give up. Soon your family will be reunited, and all the others too.
The reason some individuals are unnamed is because they have found out or already know that Pastor Scott will inquire after them, and denigrate their names from the pulpit. It has been reported, by some individuals inside the church, that this occurs, and no one needs that kind of abuse, for speaking up publicly. So, unless the person is absolutely sure they wish to be identified, the letters are not signed.
I want to thank you for your stand of openness and honesty regarding what was done to you and your family by Calvary Temple. As well I would like to express admiration for the others who speak out about their abuse at the hands of this church. Having known you and your family for thirty years, it's been heartbreaking to see the lies and horrific division of a family loved and admired---by a church! As well as, unfortunately, some church people up here. Thank God it is (because of your consistent stand of openness and personal integrity), FINALLY coming into the open. Through the steady and courageous effort of yourself, and the other writers on your Dear Calvary Temple Blog, along with the other blogs I have been following called Tactics of Calvary Temple, and Leaving Calvary Temple, and Expose Calvary Temple, and Against Calvary Temple. Not to mention the protests of brave people for a whole year down there is Virginia, every week, against the alleged abuses occurring at the church there.
Well, needless to say, you are all heroes to those of us watching, praying, and standing with you Molly. I know your heart is broken. I have watched with awe the kindest care and forgiveness to your husband for the awful things he did to you and Gretel. I am so happy he has come to his senses and is honestly dealing with the terrible things he participated in. We are here for you guys. And wish there was more that we could do. What we are doing, is warning every young person and parents, that we find out is in any way on social media with people we know at Calvary Temple. We warn them to do the research themselves, to read everything they can on the church, and we give them your phone to call you and Gretel to be told the truth about what is happening. We warn them to question anything they are told by individuals inside Calvary Temple, and ask difficult questions, to share all information they are told with their parents, and or pastors, in order to fact-check. Especially in light of the prevalence of lies told.
I know that if there is a shred of decency in the people that run that church down there, they will repent for what they have done to your family and kids, and make amends. And if not, people here and there, are warned, and hopefully, no more lives entangled in a corrupt church. Personally, I agree that it is the pastors who are responsible for this. Not the poor souls who have been lied to and love bombed.
None of us like to think about a pastor or church being corrupt. But we must face the facts, there are people that are doing very terrible things, that are running churches. It must be exposed and dealt with, hopefully biblically. God does not expect us to cover up abuse and lies. He is fearless regarding the truth, and so must we be fearless. Along with loving and showing compassion and patience with people who have been terrorized and victimized. You have been through hell, and from what I have learned these past years, so have dozens of other folks. Some cannot even speak of it, they are traumatized to such a degree, it has altered their whole lives. We are here for you Molly, for Tom, for Gretel and for all those brave people who have shared their painful stories with us. God bless you. We are standing and praying. Don't give up. Soon your family will be reunited, and all the others too.
The reason some individuals are unnamed is because they have found out or already know that Pastor Scott will inquire after them, and denigrate their names from the pulpit. It has been reported, by some individuals inside the church, that this occurs, and no one needs that kind of abuse, for speaking up publicly. So, unless the person is absolutely sure they wish to be identified, the letters are not signed.