Letter to My Children (September 30, 2016)
"Nobody is stronger...than someone who came back. There is nothing you can do to such a person because whatever you could do is less than what has already been done."~Elie Weisel
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Joshua, and Christina,
So much has been happening, I often think of that song, which says we will have a lot to catch up on when we see each other again. How to recapture 5 years of living? Anyway we just attended a wedding of one of your old friends. Gretel was also standing up in the wedding. Just beautiful. And the young man, reminds of Jonathan. His happy, responsible, clear-headed thinking ways. At least the Jonathan we raised was like that. I know now how Calvary Temple changes lives horrifically. Ruining the God-given personalities and turning the young people and adults into robots.
Several interesting conversations recently. I heard that Candace had an encounter with her husbands mother, who for the first time saw her two grandbabies. A heartbreaking few minutes, in which she was told that she could be part of her son and his children's lives if she would agree with Pastor Scott. This brave lady said that she is not bitter against all the evil this man had done to her or her family. She loves Jesus and knows God will fight for her family to be restored to her, because she has done nothing wrong. God bless her for her strength of character and integrity. Someday her grandbabies will rise up and call her blessed, for speaking the truth in love. (Candace is caught in a trap. She knows what is going on in Calvary is wrong, but they have threatened her before, to take her own children from her, if she doesn't submit to them. My daughter Sarah, told me this just before I was put away for the second time. Candace knows. Candace is trapped.)
So following that visit, a neighbor came by, one of our children's old babysitters. She showed me my Sarah's Facebook recent posts. It broke my heart. To see them out playing and laughing on this day (it was the birthday of Sarah's sister Gretel). And none of our four children texted or called to wish their sister a happy birthday or love. We always call and text and write on their birthdays (even though we get no response.) But none for Gretel or her children, or our extended family, or we the parents. So I asked if I could write a message on the face book to Sarah since she has blocked all of our relatives from seeing her posts. After I wrote the message, she blocked the sweet friend and former babysitter from seeing her posts. I guess she doesn't want to have her conscience stirred up by speaking or reading anything about the family she has 'killed for Pastor Scott.' It is not about God. It is about idolatry of a pastor.
The third conversation was later in the day, with a young Russian lady who was at Stoneybrooke Park, where we went for a creek hike. She, as a recent immigrant, expressed her surprise at how fearless Americans are to speak their displeasure with the direction of our country and those leading it at the moment. In Russia, she said if you do that, you can lose your job or end up in jail. You just must be quiet about bad things, and not mention them publicly. And it made me think of the culture at Calvary Temple. All those years bad things were happening, so many, and no one mentioned anything to me from inside the church. None of the supposedly upright, godly, men of integrity, came to Tom or I and warned us that things were unsafe there, not as they appeared. In fact, when I did question two men in leadership that I respected, they both pooh-poohed all my questions and concerns. Explaining them away with Scriptures. Very well I might add. I totally believed them. And they lied to me.
Finally, Calvary Temple's abuses and lies are perpetrated on the backs of these supposedly fine, upstanding, godly men and women. It could not happen up here in NY. First of all, we all know each other up here. And two strikes and you are out. We know your aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins. Lots of people to check out if you are legit. And if you are unknown, you are not trusted, period. And if you are known, and do bad things, you are not trusted. That is why Sterling, Virginia has a Calvary Temple, lots of immigrants, and newcomers looking for jobs in the DC area. Especially the bright, handsome and lovely young people who were well raised by good parents in other states. Beware. Don't judge a book by its cover. They look good, but you need to talk to people who refuse to go there, or did go there. They will explain what goes on underneath. We don't have to be afraid, like people who have grown up under repressive governments. As Christians, it is our duty to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all diligence as the day draws near. Like Jesus did with the wicked religious leaders of his day. Don't be afraid to say the truth to those you encounter from Calvary. We should not play the game of silence and lies. We walk in the light, and let the deeds be made manifest whether or not they are wrought in God.
This is the way I raised you children. This is why Pastor Scott does not want me in your lives anymore. You are young, naive and gullible. I am a bit older, smarter, and wiser. Listen to your mother. In some cases, the pastor is not always right. If he is a pastor at all. After all, Paul warned us that in the last days, grievous wolves would enter in and not spare the flock. Heed Paul's warning, the truth is not afraid of the light. Talk to us, talk to those that are 'marked' for speaking the truth to Pastor Scott. Talk to those who have left because they couldn't stomach all the bad things anymore. You will not go to jail or hell for hearing both sides of a matter. Thank God. Truth is fearless. Jesus said he did not come to give a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
You are all in my prayers and heart with love, and soon we will be together again.
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Joshua, and Christina,
So much has been happening, I often think of that song, which says we will have a lot to catch up on when we see each other again. How to recapture 5 years of living? Anyway we just attended a wedding of one of your old friends. Gretel was also standing up in the wedding. Just beautiful. And the young man, reminds of Jonathan. His happy, responsible, clear-headed thinking ways. At least the Jonathan we raised was like that. I know now how Calvary Temple changes lives horrifically. Ruining the God-given personalities and turning the young people and adults into robots.
Several interesting conversations recently. I heard that Candace had an encounter with her husbands mother, who for the first time saw her two grandbabies. A heartbreaking few minutes, in which she was told that she could be part of her son and his children's lives if she would agree with Pastor Scott. This brave lady said that she is not bitter against all the evil this man had done to her or her family. She loves Jesus and knows God will fight for her family to be restored to her, because she has done nothing wrong. God bless her for her strength of character and integrity. Someday her grandbabies will rise up and call her blessed, for speaking the truth in love. (Candace is caught in a trap. She knows what is going on in Calvary is wrong, but they have threatened her before, to take her own children from her, if she doesn't submit to them. My daughter Sarah, told me this just before I was put away for the second time. Candace knows. Candace is trapped.)
So following that visit, a neighbor came by, one of our children's old babysitters. She showed me my Sarah's Facebook recent posts. It broke my heart. To see them out playing and laughing on this day (it was the birthday of Sarah's sister Gretel). And none of our four children texted or called to wish their sister a happy birthday or love. We always call and text and write on their birthdays (even though we get no response.) But none for Gretel or her children, or our extended family, or we the parents. So I asked if I could write a message on the face book to Sarah since she has blocked all of our relatives from seeing her posts. After I wrote the message, she blocked the sweet friend and former babysitter from seeing her posts. I guess she doesn't want to have her conscience stirred up by speaking or reading anything about the family she has 'killed for Pastor Scott.' It is not about God. It is about idolatry of a pastor.
The third conversation was later in the day, with a young Russian lady who was at Stoneybrooke Park, where we went for a creek hike. She, as a recent immigrant, expressed her surprise at how fearless Americans are to speak their displeasure with the direction of our country and those leading it at the moment. In Russia, she said if you do that, you can lose your job or end up in jail. You just must be quiet about bad things, and not mention them publicly. And it made me think of the culture at Calvary Temple. All those years bad things were happening, so many, and no one mentioned anything to me from inside the church. None of the supposedly upright, godly, men of integrity, came to Tom or I and warned us that things were unsafe there, not as they appeared. In fact, when I did question two men in leadership that I respected, they both pooh-poohed all my questions and concerns. Explaining them away with Scriptures. Very well I might add. I totally believed them. And they lied to me.
Finally, Calvary Temple's abuses and lies are perpetrated on the backs of these supposedly fine, upstanding, godly men and women. It could not happen up here in NY. First of all, we all know each other up here. And two strikes and you are out. We know your aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins. Lots of people to check out if you are legit. And if you are unknown, you are not trusted, period. And if you are known, and do bad things, you are not trusted. That is why Sterling, Virginia has a Calvary Temple, lots of immigrants, and newcomers looking for jobs in the DC area. Especially the bright, handsome and lovely young people who were well raised by good parents in other states. Beware. Don't judge a book by its cover. They look good, but you need to talk to people who refuse to go there, or did go there. They will explain what goes on underneath. We don't have to be afraid, like people who have grown up under repressive governments. As Christians, it is our duty to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all diligence as the day draws near. Like Jesus did with the wicked religious leaders of his day. Don't be afraid to say the truth to those you encounter from Calvary. We should not play the game of silence and lies. We walk in the light, and let the deeds be made manifest whether or not they are wrought in God.
This is the way I raised you children. This is why Pastor Scott does not want me in your lives anymore. You are young, naive and gullible. I am a bit older, smarter, and wiser. Listen to your mother. In some cases, the pastor is not always right. If he is a pastor at all. After all, Paul warned us that in the last days, grievous wolves would enter in and not spare the flock. Heed Paul's warning, the truth is not afraid of the light. Talk to us, talk to those that are 'marked' for speaking the truth to Pastor Scott. Talk to those who have left because they couldn't stomach all the bad things anymore. You will not go to jail or hell for hearing both sides of a matter. Thank God. Truth is fearless. Jesus said he did not come to give a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
You are all in my prayers and heart with love, and soon we will be together again.