Letter to Christina (June 2, 2016)

Dear Bean,

     Your photograph was sent to me by a Virginian. You are beautiful. As both of your sisters, but a little more like me. In fact, dad says you look like I did when we were dating.
     The Rocker is yours too, I just recovered it to go in your room at Abby's place. She's renting your Mazz. House, and agreed to let me make a Christina Room as a memorial to you and your siblings, to come home. It is nearly finished now. The photo and Rocker will go into the room. This weekend a missionary couple will be staying there, they are from Ukraine but Canadian, and will be teaching at a seminary in Harrisburg.
     Just a side note, did you know that Claire is having her wedding in the back lawns of the Mazz. House? Gretel and Kyle will come back before the wedding to help me do the flowers. She invited 500 people to come...can you imagine? Dad says we will need 6 port-a-potties! It is time to stand up and do the right thing, no matter how difficult Christina. Come home. We are waiting. Or call and we will come.

Mom and Dad and your sister and family