Letter to Pastor Scott (May 2, 2016)
Pastor Scott,
This photo was taken just after I was brought back from 3 months away from my family. Put away by my husband in motels and a rented room, on your orders. Yes you told Tom to do this. He has told me and others that you told your underling pastor to tell Tom if he did not put me away, then you would put Tom away. So I was sacrificed. For no reason. On a whim to 'break me'. 'To see if it worked.' Whatever that means. You are more like a witch doctor than a man of God.
Give me back our four children, their three spouses, and my four grandchildren, and any and all other persons and animals that are part of their homes. I want everything back, you have lied, defrauded, slandered me, my husband, my daughter, my relatives, my friends in New York. You are cruel and evil. Give me my children and all that is theirs. Now. You have broken my children's hearts and ruined their and our lives. God will avenge us. But now I say again.
Give me my children and all that belongs to them. You may keep them from us no longer.
God have mercy on you.
Molly Fitch