Letter to Calvary Temple (September 3, 2015)
Dear Calvary Temple,
The world is apparently falling apart at the seams. In the bible, God forewarned us that it would be like this. And that everything would be shaken, with judgment first beginning at the house of God. I grew up in a culture of silence, good Catholics didn't discuss bad things. We were raised to be silent if wrongly accused, or wronged. It wasn't nice to stir the pot. And later, found the same logic in the evangelical churches. I have come to see through our situation and a closer study of the scriptures, that God never asked us to do that, and he does not do that. Repeatedly in bible, his men were exposed when doing wrong things. He did it to warn us that all things are to be brought to the light, to see whether or not they reflect his standards. Secrecy means bad things go undealt with, and public scrutiny is a wonderful method of causing us to pause and think before we act. Heck, even court cases are open, and reporters can report on the trials as they progress. This is to ensure a measure of justice, knowing that no one man is perfect and totally unbiased.
As flawed as our judicial system is, it is more open and transparent than our church judicial system. If that isn't so, why does Pastor Scott not allow me to tell my children, and all the congregation what was done to me? Why does he tell them not to read my story or my letters? Why is he not allowing our children to speak with their mother and relatives? Why did pastor Ron say to Joshua and Christina "Don't listen to your mother, her words are very enticing." As Josh and Christina proceeded to put earplugs into their ears as I tried to share with them what had happened. My children would never have thought to plug their ears from their parents, someone instructed them to do so. Why? Could it be that hearing what I had to say, would cause them to realize they had been lied to? By pastors? So why do many pastors connected to Calvary Temple in past years, not speak up and address the growing laundry list of corruption being exposed. We are to judge our own first and foremost, as pastor Scott likes to say. Where are you Pastor M******, Pastor Wayne Hughes, Pastor LaRock? Does Pastor Scott really hold you hostage with legal action {as has been alleged} if you relay what you know.
It is not easy admitting you have been hoodwinked at best, supported a bad guy at worst. In my case, thought I was a fair judge of character. So grateful for Brandon and Naomi's blog [first one addressing CT], and then for the other blogs which have sprung up dealing with the slick way Calvary Temple portrays itself as a paragon of virtue, finally, for the Wartburg Watch addressing the issue and pointing out that it is a growing problem in churches today. Evil church leaders looking good. And church leaders calling good Christians evil.
So here’s more information on the scandal of Calvary Temple. It is sad to see something so many of us considered upright, involved in covering up its sins. Time to reflect on a verse: But he that does the truth, comes to the light, that his deeds might be made manifest, whether or not they are wrought in God. John 3:21
But, I am still willing to talk to you Pastor Scott, with all my children involved, and witnesses who are not under your thumb. Having free course to share everything that you have subjected us to. No silencing to protect the church or yourselves. It's time to make things right, not cover up more wrongs. And after me, how about making things right with Hannah and Mikes parents? And Yvonne and Renee and Michael? And the dozens of others you have wounded to the death? We are not bitter, we are christians, protecting the weak and vulnerable from exploitation, and speaking up against abuse and corruption in a place of influence- Calvary Temple. And we are not guilty of any secret sin; you have slandered our reputations, and misrepresented the facts surrounded our expulsion or leaving.
Always willing to speak with any or all of you. At any time, with lots of witnesses present.
God bless and keep you all,
Mrs. Molly Fitch
Louden Times-Mirror Article: http://www.loudountimes.com/news/article/state_asked_to_investigate_calvary_temple
Louden Times-Mirror Editorial: http://www.loudountimes.com/index.php/news/article/editorial_local_justice_system_turns_a_blind_eye_to_calvary_victims432
The world is apparently falling apart at the seams. In the bible, God forewarned us that it would be like this. And that everything would be shaken, with judgment first beginning at the house of God. I grew up in a culture of silence, good Catholics didn't discuss bad things. We were raised to be silent if wrongly accused, or wronged. It wasn't nice to stir the pot. And later, found the same logic in the evangelical churches. I have come to see through our situation and a closer study of the scriptures, that God never asked us to do that, and he does not do that. Repeatedly in bible, his men were exposed when doing wrong things. He did it to warn us that all things are to be brought to the light, to see whether or not they reflect his standards. Secrecy means bad things go undealt with, and public scrutiny is a wonderful method of causing us to pause and think before we act. Heck, even court cases are open, and reporters can report on the trials as they progress. This is to ensure a measure of justice, knowing that no one man is perfect and totally unbiased.
As flawed as our judicial system is, it is more open and transparent than our church judicial system. If that isn't so, why does Pastor Scott not allow me to tell my children, and all the congregation what was done to me? Why does he tell them not to read my story or my letters? Why is he not allowing our children to speak with their mother and relatives? Why did pastor Ron say to Joshua and Christina "Don't listen to your mother, her words are very enticing." As Josh and Christina proceeded to put earplugs into their ears as I tried to share with them what had happened. My children would never have thought to plug their ears from their parents, someone instructed them to do so. Why? Could it be that hearing what I had to say, would cause them to realize they had been lied to? By pastors? So why do many pastors connected to Calvary Temple in past years, not speak up and address the growing laundry list of corruption being exposed. We are to judge our own first and foremost, as pastor Scott likes to say. Where are you Pastor M******, Pastor Wayne Hughes, Pastor LaRock? Does Pastor Scott really hold you hostage with legal action {as has been alleged} if you relay what you know.
It is not easy admitting you have been hoodwinked at best, supported a bad guy at worst. In my case, thought I was a fair judge of character. So grateful for Brandon and Naomi's blog [first one addressing CT], and then for the other blogs which have sprung up dealing with the slick way Calvary Temple portrays itself as a paragon of virtue, finally, for the Wartburg Watch addressing the issue and pointing out that it is a growing problem in churches today. Evil church leaders looking good. And church leaders calling good Christians evil.
So here’s more information on the scandal of Calvary Temple. It is sad to see something so many of us considered upright, involved in covering up its sins. Time to reflect on a verse: But he that does the truth, comes to the light, that his deeds might be made manifest, whether or not they are wrought in God. John 3:21
But, I am still willing to talk to you Pastor Scott, with all my children involved, and witnesses who are not under your thumb. Having free course to share everything that you have subjected us to. No silencing to protect the church or yourselves. It's time to make things right, not cover up more wrongs. And after me, how about making things right with Hannah and Mikes parents? And Yvonne and Renee and Michael? And the dozens of others you have wounded to the death? We are not bitter, we are christians, protecting the weak and vulnerable from exploitation, and speaking up against abuse and corruption in a place of influence- Calvary Temple. And we are not guilty of any secret sin; you have slandered our reputations, and misrepresented the facts surrounded our expulsion or leaving.
Always willing to speak with any or all of you. At any time, with lots of witnesses present.
God bless and keep you all,
Mrs. Molly Fitch
Louden Times-Mirror Article: http://www.loudountimes.com/news/article/state_asked_to_investigate_calvary_temple
Louden Times-Mirror Editorial: http://www.loudountimes.com/index.php/news/article/editorial_local_justice_system_turns_a_blind_eye_to_calvary_victims432