Letter to Jonathan (April 19, 2015)

Dear Son,

     I love this picture of you. The picture and message were sent by those at the carshow.  You, my firstborn son, so handsome, strong, and smart.  Always very proud of you, and cannot wait to hear your voice again.  Do you remember that day we were driving to Batavia?  You must've been about 11 or 12, and I was listening to the radio tell about orphans in Romania, wondering if we should try and help them by adopting?  And how you made me chuckle, saying with such male insistence "Mom!  We have enough babies!!!"  It's memories like these that keep me going, that one day you will remember from where you came from, who you really are.
     I love you Jonathan David Fitch.  Dad and I just returned from Kansas, where we welcomed your newest nephew into the world.  He was named John Nicholas.  You know how your sister Gretel has always idolized you.  She needs you too.  While we were there your nephew Noah woke up one morning saying "I love my cousins Penny and Jackson and Weston!"  He has never met them, but we tell him what we know, and show them pictures others send us occasionally.  Bring your family and come home son.  It's gonna be ok.

I love you,
Your own mom

You and your nephew Noah, days before he was put away with his momma.