Letter to My Children (July 14, 2014)

Dear children,

     This video....the words of it....reflect my heart pain. And, now that I know, the pain of only God knows how many-who have been destroyed and ripped away from their families.
     You know I pray for you all every day that you will know the truth, or at least ask to hear it. But just as often I find myself praying for all those I have now heard from or of, who have been told they are not wanted by God, or their families?!?!?! It is mind boggling isn't it? That the wonder of Jesus coming to save men from their sin, should be twisted to ....only if you are worth saving.
     That is the message you are giving, even if that is not what you think.....actions speak louder than words. Why are we not worth loving anymore? Love is no respecter of persons, why can you be loved and not me? Not Dad, not Gretel, not Noah? What about all those others who you haven't heard of, but I have. Dozens and dozens and dozens of lives thrown away. Lives Jesus died for and came to seek and find and save. Precious dear lives, faces, names....they are worthy of Jesus love, why not yours?
     Turn back, it's ok, everyone makes mistakes, sins, wrong decisions. Ask Gods forgiveness and go to people and apologize. I have had to. Many have, some are too proud to admit their wrongs, but I believe you children are not too proud, you can admit error. I love you all so much, this is taking the life out of me, but I cannot call evil behavior good.

Hugs and kisses,
