Letter from Sydney (January 8, 2014)
Dear Jonathan, Sarah, Joshua and Christina,
I have been putting this off because I have been so angry with all
of you. How you can believe such lies told about your mother and others who you
know are godly people is unfathomable, but I am going to write what God has
laid upon my heart.
You don't know the true cause of your mother being kicked out of
Calvary Temple because you will not hear her side of the story. That is
completely unscriptural, Proverbs 18:13 says "If one gives an answer
before he hears, it is his folly and shame.” Or maybe you do know that the
things you are being told are not true but you are choosing to ignore the
convicting of the Holy Spirit in order to please the men you call your pastors.
How can you obey men rather than God?
And they are just men! You must stop treating them like they are gods.
Like Paul, they are the chief of sinners because they too have been destroying
Christians just like he did by destroying families. And you too have blood on
your hands because of your very silence. Repent! It is not too late! Bring
these deeds to the light and expose those who have been allowed to get away
with murder, so to speak. What does Star Scott have to do in order to get you
to see that you must not justify everything he does? Stop turning a blind eye
to Scott’s reprehensible deeds. Most of what I have just said is for you
Jonathan, but you are all accountable.
Have you ever wondered why your mother is such a target? Here
is a telling question: is there even one of you who has spent a whole hour
crying out in agony because of your sin? Since before you were babies your
mother has felt her unworthiness before a great and holy God and has spent
entire nights confessing sin and reveling in His love. He is merciful, not a monster ready to stomp
on us. She was put out from the church because she spoke the truth and had a
great influence on people because she is a godly woman with great discernment. The
only thing she was ever misled in was trusting the men at Calvary Temple. You
know how many young people she sent there which is something she will always
regret. If you would only listen to the truth! You are raising your children
without the godliest influence they could have: your mother. And there will
never be another person who loves you more than her. She will take you back with open arms when
you come out. You will never be able to restore all that you have stolen from her,
but she has forgiven you.
Read I Corinthians 13; do you have even a niggling doubt about the
hatred you show towards your mother? The self-righteousness? Think on these
things! Wake up before it is too late! Remember that God says, "All things
are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do"
(Hebrews 4:13) and that "nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has
anything been secret but that it should come to light” (Mark 4:22).
What more can I say to admonish you? I plead with you...turn
from deception and walk in The Truth. Remember..."Jesus is the Way the
Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). Follow Him. No position in your church is
worth the price you are paying or the incredible pain you are bringing to your
mother and others. Answer me honestly…if you lost your wealth, good looks and
important jobs do you think you would still be in positions of favor in the
church? Turn from your present course
and choose to do what is right. There is hope, 1 John 1:9 says, "If we
confess our sins He is faithful to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." The God who requires righteousness has also provided The
Way to attain it; turn to Him now.
After all that I can truly write this: I love you all. We are here for you.
Mrs. Case