Letter to My Children (October 10, 2013)
My dear children,
Every morning for these past 2 years, I wake with prayers for you on my heart. This morning, Noah and I are still coughing, and sitting talking about Jesus. When suddenly recalled the name of a song which was saved on my computer in Virginia, a song loved since first hearing it as a teenager just born again. Baruch Adonai, and Baruch Ha Ba B'shem Adonai. So we found it on youtube and began to sing along. Noah was dancing, and I thought how soon God will wipe away all our tears. All the pain and sorrow will be forgotten, all the evil will be vanquished, He will take us to himself.
We have received pictures from people at Calvary of Joshua's wedding. It is hard for us to speak of it, the ache is tremendous. Lots of tears, and silence. Yesterday someone mentioned how they had received a note from a local pastor, who hadn't slept in 24 hours, but had spent it in prayer for our family. The tears of folks who hear of what you are doing to your family, are precious. There are no words to say, no accusations, or condemnation, because it is so obviously the devil who steals, kills, and destroys.
I love you, I forgive you. No matter what you have done, no matter what you have become-come home. The blood of Christ is sufficient for all our sins. Run to him, he will not turn you away. His grace and mercy and love is able to heal the deepest hurts.
Love and hugs always,
Your own mom, and your little nephew Noah