Letter to My Children & Readers (August 29, 2017)

Dear Children and Readers,

     A few weeks ago we had the chance to tell a couple of hours worth of our experiences at Calvary Temple. It's not easy to talk about. For over the past six years, silence has enveloped me, apart from writing to you in this way. And even this was and is incredibly difficult to do. Initiated because Pastor Scott cut off all other means of communicating with my children. Dad was the one who filled me in on all that Pastor had directed you to do to me. But my main concern was that you would feel abandoned if I did not keep reaching out, so I call, text, write here and come down every five weeks or so to knock on your doors.
     Aside from that, though, I am largely silent. Only when people ask. The pastor who listened to our story stopped me at one point. Horrified, he apologized to me, for not realizing the extent of our abuse. He apologized on behalf of pastors, for the wicked treatment of Calvary pastors toward our family. He remarked that he was amazed I could even enter a church, let alone trust a pastor again. And he expressed admiration for the integrity I have shown throughout.
     But the truth is, the damage is incalculable, and although his words were comforting, I ache inside for you my dearest children, for your sister, for her children, for all the wounded who have learned to live in silence. Because the pain is still raw. I love the Lord. I hate evil doers. Calvary Temple has the veneer of godliness, but it is the hidden wicked deeds that have destroyed many many lives. Including yours, dear children. Only one thing will not change. My love for you is not worn out. And I will keep coming to you. Writing to you. Praying for you. Showing you that you are not alone in this. It's going to be ok. The holocaust survivors learned to overcome the horrors they went through. We are learning that too, and we will help you.

God bless you Jonathan and Sarah and Joshua and Christina.

Love and hugs and kisses,

P.S. This is an incredible story...I cannot warn enough of the extended damage of leaders who lie to the people...it is not the people's fault, we are not mind readers.
