Letter to Penny, Jackson, and Weston (November 20, 2015)

Dear Penny, Jackson and Weston,

     I received this photo today of you three. I laughed. You three children are so like my children were many years ago. Jackson you look way spiffier than my Jonathan boy did when he was your age, but your Mima loves you just the same. And Penny you wear your sneakers the same way your big cousin Noah does, runs in the family I guess. I think you are a good mix of your mommy and your Aunt Gretel, who you so look like. Except now and then I see the steely look in your eye of your mommy. How it makes me chuckle. I love it and you. And Weston, are you a quiet boy like your daddy or your Uncle Josh or Aunt Bean? I wonder. I love you dear little man. I am sorry dear hearts, that you were never able to know me and your Bompa thru these early years of your life. Know that I have done everything I possibly can to get your parents back. I have tried and tried to show those who are keeping us apart, that this is wrong. Not anything that resembles christianity. And so I continue to receive pictures of you children from kind souls who take pity on me. They send me pictures of you and your parents. And then I pass them on to the rest of your family. Lately your Mima (Noah's name for your Gramma), has been thinking soon we will be allowed to know each other. I am so glad thinking of meeting you.
     Hugging you and hearing your little voices. And watching you all meet your cousins Noah and John. And the fun and laughter and hugs and happiness we all will have. You can come stay with your Mima and Bompa. Noah will show you all around the cottage, the Shady Bridge he and Bompa and Aunt Gretel built over our small gorge creek. And the Zepher high up on the cliff looking over the Lake, which Mima and Noah and Aunt Gretel built for you all to sail the seas. And the nursery which has beds for you all to stay overnight. And the grown kids room next door for your parents. And we will all bow our heads and thank Jesus for bringing us back together again. And for stopping those who are keeping us apart. And we will pray for all those others who have had a grampa or a gramma or mommy or daddy or sister or brother forcibly removed from their lives and hearts. We will ask God to help us to help them, comfort and care for all those hurting people. And we will move forward, making our own memories, while being patient with all the tears and pain we each battle. You little ones will be the best medicine of all, as you will make us smile and laugh and forget some of the excruciating memories. And we will thank God every day that joy comes in the morning. So love and hugs and kisses babies. Mima and Bompa love you and each night as I lay down to sleep, I ask God to watch over you. Please kiss my little Madeline for me will you? I cannot wait to hold my bitty baby girl. I hope her little red riding hood dress and sweater look nice on her. When I saw it in the store, I just had to buy it. Even though I am sure she is a pretty pink and white baby girl like her mom and dad were as little ones. xoxoxo

Love you.