Letter to My Children (September 17, 2015)

Dear Children,

     Yesterday while blanching green beans for the freezer, this YouTube video played on the computer. I cried. Watched it three times, and cried each time. It brought back memories of me begging Pastor Ron and also dad to let me come home. Begging and being willing to do anything they asked, literally anything. The quiet desperation that this video depicts is real. Too exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically to do anything more than quietly weep and beg. In my case, not for money but to be brought back home, from the motels and later the rented room.
     Surely no Christian would think this is acceptable to humiliate individuals and yet a church did this to me. And no one in Calvary Temple has come forward and apologized for destroying me, my husband, and our family. It is wrong, was wrong, and will always be wrong to subjugate, humiliate, break, wound, disparage, slander, libel, lie, manipulate, steal, destroy, divide, mock people. And Pastor Ron Zarou, with Pastor Starr Scotts apparent blessing did this to me, encouraged my husband to do so, and eventually turned on my husband and did the same to him. All to snare the hearts and lives of our wonderful children by destroying their faith and trust in their very own parents. It is absolutely evil.
     And yet, as a Christian, and a woman of integrity in every aspect of my life, public and private – I have refrained from bringing a lawsuit of slander against this church (although several folks have suggested it). Opting instead to beg, plead, write, call, ask for others to seek meetings for reconciliation and restoration. First privately and when that failed to garner a response, then publicly. I will pardon the church, and the pastors for what they have done to me when they restore my children, telling them they were wrong to make our children forsake us and they wrongly defamed us. Until that time, I will continue my efforts to be reunited with my children. If it means putting our story in a book, or going on national television then so be it. I have not sought that, I have actually rebuffed those overtures in the past. Having no wish to further embarrass and humiliate my husband’s parents in their old age. Having no wish to harm the reputations, further than they already have been, of old friends that I loved dearly. People who vouched for Pastor Scotts integrity, knowing him much more thoroughly than I. And out of a desire to follow the Scriptures in addressing church issues using the mandate in Matthew 18. But Pastor Scott has refused to follow those Scriptures. He didn't follow them when he put me away twice, and he has not followed them in the ensuing four years of my beseeching and pleading with him to give me my children.
     In the words of Waleed Zarou our deacon during that time, Pastor Scott informed the men who are the leadership of his church that he was going to have me put me away. At which, Waleed said all of the men protested, saying "Not Molly, she is a godly woman!" And Pastor Scott's response? "Let's try it." I was an experiment. Why? Who the heck knows. I can surmise, based on the abundance of stories we have learned since, that it was because I had wonderful children that respected and honored me. I needed to be discredited, and 'broken' in order for Pastor Scott to gain their complete loyalty. And I have been. But that will not stop me trying to get my babies back. Not until Pastor Scott restores what he has taken away. Then I will stop.
     God bless you my wonderful children, and soon we will be together. Please do not blame yourselves. Men and women far more savvy than us have been taken in by false advertising.
Anyone can fall for a good lie. We aren't mind-readers.

Love and hugs and kisses,

P.S. Check out this YouTube video:
