Letter to Candace and Joelle (March 30, 2014)

Dear Candace and Joelle,

      Do you recall when you gave me this collage of photos? It was as a surprise 25th anniversary party you and my children planned for Tom and I. There are two things that deeply touched me from that day; this collage from you both, with each of my children, plus your own pictures, framed with a copy of my favorite poem Call Back.
     And the DVD my Sarah and Christina prepared of our 25 years of marriage. If I can upload the DVD to this site, I will. I still have cards of endearment you gave me. I just want you to know that I realize you are being forced to cut me off. I know you don't understand, but must just trust the leadership'. I know that Candace you could lose your own husband if you disobey the pastors. Joelle, I know that they need you to keep Sarah happy, otherwise she would be tempted to leave, and so would Taylor, which would mean Mr. Kain the big financial supporter of the church MIGHT leave too.
     But remember this.....God is watching and listening. One day very soon, we will all have to give an account of our lives before Him. Walk in the integrity of heart and mind that Jesus died for. He who did no sin and was hated for it, He died that we might be forgiven our sins, and have the opportunity to walk in the truth. Sin shall not have dominion over those who love Him.

Do what is right before God, not before men. Trust God alone, do not trust men.

God bless you, I love you and have no animosity towards you. When you are ready, I will be there to hug you.