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Repost | Obey the Prophets and Prosper (6/16/15)

  [Reposted by permission from the  My Calvary Temple Tactic's Blog Commentary ]   Let’s get right to it, shall we? Tactics writes: This is Calvary Temple-ese for “Do what I tell you or else!” per Pastor Scott. Recently Pastor has been strutting his stuff in order to remind us who’s boss. We are getting a bit disgruntled by the exposure of our less than savoury side. I mean we try to put our makeup on, in order to wow the masses. And Pastor has told us we are a beautiful thing. But facts are awfully stubborn things. The more people tell us we are not the beautiful thing we’ve been led to believe, the more grumpy we are getting. And harder for Pastor to control. Then come Obey Me, saith the Prophet Scott sermons – titled above. Sigh. Tactics of Calvary Temple, June 16, 2015 Tactics then highlights a teaching from Pastor David Wilkerson of Times Square Church, posted over a decade ago, warning against seeker-friendly churches and, more importantly, wolve...

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